323 research outputs found

    Entropy production in the early-cosmology pionic phase

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    We point out that in the early universe, for temperatures in the approximate interval 175-80 MeV (after the quark-gluon plasma), pions carried a large share of the entropy and supported the largest inhomogeneities. Thus, we examine the production of entropy in a pion gas, particularizing to inhomogeneities of the temperature, for which we benefit from the known thermal conductivity. We finally put that entropy produced in relaxing such thermal inhomogeneities in the broad context of this relatively unexplored phase of early-universe cosmology.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures

    Possible new resonance from WLWLW_L W_L-hhhh interchannel coupling

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    We propose and theoretically study a possible new resonance caused by strong coupling between the Higgs-Higgs and the W_L W_L (Z_L Z_L) scattering channels, without regard to the intensity of the elastic interaction in either channel at low energy (that could be weak as in the Standard Model). We expose this channel-coupling resonance from unitarity and dispersion relations encoded in the Inverse Amplitude Method, applied to the Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian with a scalar Higgs.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    One-loop WLWLW_L W_L and ZLZLZ_L Z_L scattering from the Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian with a light Higgs-like scalar

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    By including the recently discovered Higgs-like scalar φ\varphi in the Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian, and using the Equivalence Theorem, we carry out the complete one-loop computation of the elastic scattering amplitude for the longitudinal components of the gauge bosons V=W,ZV=W, Z at high energy. We also compute φφ→φφ\varphi\varphi \rightarrow \varphi\varphi and the inelastic process VV→φφVV\rightarrow \varphi\varphi, and identify the counterterms needed to cancel the divergences, namely the well known a4a_4 and a5a_5 chiral parameters plus three additional ones only superficially treated in the literature because of their dimension 8. Finally we compute all the partial waves and discuss the limitations of the one-loop computation due to only approximate unitarity.Comment: 28 pages, 19 plots, 9 Feynman-diagram sets This version revised and accepted in JHE

    Unitarity, analyticity, dispersion relations and resonances in strongly interacting WLWLW_L W_L, ZLZLZ_L Z_L and hhhh scattering

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    If the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector turns out to be strongly interacting, the actively investigated effective theory for longitudinal gauge bosons plus Higgs can be efficiently extended to cover the regime of saturation of unitarity (where the perturbative expansion breaks down). This is achieved by dispersion relations, whose subtraction constants and left cut contribution can be approximately obtained in different ways giving rise to different unitarization procedures. We illustrate the ideas with the Inverse Amplitude Method, one version of the N/D method and another improved version of the K-matrix. In the three cases we get partial waves which are unitary, analytical with the proper left and right cuts and in some cases poles in the second Riemann sheet that can be understood as dynamically generated resonances. In addition they reproduce at Next to Leading Order (NLO) the perturbative expansion for the five partial waves not vanishing (up to J=2) and they are renormalization scale (μ\mu) independent. Also the unitarization formalisms are extended to the coupled channel case. Then we apply the results to the elastic scattering amplitude for the longitudinal components of the gauge bosons V=W,ZV=W, Z at high energy. We also compute hh→hhh h \rightarrow h h and the inelastic process VV→hhVV\rightarrow h h which are coupled to the elastic VVVV channel for custodial isospin I=0I=0. We numerically compare the three methods for various values of the low-energy couplings and explain the reasons for the differences found in the I=J=1I=J=1 partial wave. Then we study the resonances appearing in the different elastic and coupled channels in terms of the effective Lagrangian parameters.Comment: 45 pages, 28 figure

    Production cross section estimates for strongly-interacting Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector resonances at particle colliders

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    We are exploring a generic strongly-interacting Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector (EWSBS) with the low-energy effectie field theory for the four experimentally known particles (WL±W_L^\pm, ZLZ_L, hh) and its dispersion-relation based unitary extension. In this contribution we provide simple estimates for the production cross section of pairs of the EWSBS bosons and their resonances at proton-proton colliders as well as in a future e−e+e^-e^+ (or potentially a μ−μ+\mu^-\mu^+) collider with a typical few-TeV energy. We examine the simplest production mechanisms, tree-level production through a WW (dominant when quantum numbers allow) and the simple effective boson approximation (in which the electroweak bosons are considered as collinear partons of the colliding fermions). We exemplify with custodial isovector and isotensor resonances at 2 TeV, the energy currently being discussed because of a slight excess in the ATLAS 2-jet data. We find it hard, though not unthinkable, to ascribe this excess to one of these WLWLW_LW_L rescattering resonances. An isovector resonance could be produced at a rate smaller than, but close to earlier CMS exclusion bounds, depending on the parameters of the effective theory. The ZZZZ excess is then problematic and requires additional physics (such as an additional scalar resonance). The isotensor one (that would describe all charge combinations) has a smaller cross section.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Coupling WW, ZZ unitarized amplitudes to γγ\gamma\gamma in the TeV region

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    We define and calculate helicity partial-wave amplitudes for processes linking the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector (EWSBS) to γγ\gamma\gamma, employing (to NLO) the Higgs-EFT (HEFT) extension of the Standard Model and the Equivalence Theorem, while neglecting all particle masses. The resulting amplitudes can be useful in the energy regime (500 GeV−3 TeV500\,{\rm GeV}-3\,{\rm TeV}). We also deal with their unitarization so that resonances of the EWSBS can simultaneously be described in the γγ\gamma\gamma initial or final states. Our resulting amplitudes satisfy unitarity, perturbatively in α\alpha, but for all ss values. In this way we improve on the HEFT that fails as interactions become stronger with growing ss and provide a natural framework for the decay of dynamically generated resonances into WWWW, ZZZZ and γγ\gamma\gamma pairs.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure
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